My Dad came out last night to sit with Cathy & the kids, Brad was working on our broken snowplow in the garage, so I could go to my work Christmas Party. (It was SO NICE to get out & see everyone!) But since I was out she didn't get her medicine before going to bed... she was restless last night. I guess I hadn't realized how much the Trazadone was helping her sleep... until I was reminded by her. She also was saying "eggs" & brewing a pot of coffee. So tonight I took the handles off our gas stove & hid them. I should have done this sooner... Now, hopefully I won't remember where I hid them!
It has been an eventful week again. You just never know what is going to happen next. Yesterday while I was getting Mia dressed Cathy poured some cereal for the kids. (She still tries to help out when she can) She also got Mia's antibiotics (for strep) out of the fridge & poured some... but it was not into her medicine cup... it was sitting on the counter next to her cereal bowl in... an earplug container. Yes, one of Brad's earplug containers from work. (Since he is a locomotive engineer he gets a pair to wear each trip) ??? She also handed me Mia's schoolbag (Mia is in Pre-School on Tues & Thurs... no school Wed.) & I noticed it was VERY full. I opened it up and she had put in 2 pairs of Pajamas & about 10 pairs of underwear..???? We had to LAUGH. She was trying to help.
Food: It is getting harder to cook for her. Her favorite things to eat right now are: Cereal, Pizza, McDonalds Dbl Cheeseburgers, & Chocolate! I bought grapefruit, oranges, & apples... but she fed the apples to the dogs and won't touch the rest. It is like she is a kid again with a sweet tooth. She isn't over eating like she was this past spring/summer... but she munches alot & doesn't eat the fruits & veggies with meals. You can't turn your back on her when you have food cooking. You almost have to stand guard! One night Brad made Lasagna & before it was done he walked back in the room and she had some dished up. I was baking chicken one night & she kept walking around with a plate... I had to literally stand in front of the oven until it was done. She doesn't take the time to let food cool off & she won't blow on it either... it is hard to hide it from her until it is done because she paces in & out of the kitchen. She also starts the coffee pot & pours a cup before it is done or fills both the inside & the pot with water and it overflows. URGH! Patience... we are learning lots & lots of patience.
Since we got home from her appointment she has spent more time in her room. She goes in & out all day. I am not sure what the reason is for this. She is not watching movies as often & her attention span seems shorter. I have actually gotten to watch a few "real" tv programs & the kids have watched some Christmas Specials! S
She also put her 2 poinsettias together in one pot... I have been dumping water out of them on a daily basis... she is over watering them immensely, but at least she is trying to take care of them. I am NOT a plant person. I could kill a cactus. I used to admire how well Cathy took care of her plants. The poor lil guys are in trouble here!
Today we headed in to town to pick up the kids at Pre-School. On the way in she was waving randomly at people & smiling... she has been doing this quite often lately. But once we were in town & stopped at the 4 way stop she shook her fist & said, "Actually, on Fire!" towards a guy at the stop across from us. I immediately lowered her fist & said, "Cathy, you have to be nice, we don't know that guy. We have no reason to be mad at him! And we don't want him to be mad at us." Luckily we live in Iowa & not LA... or we might have had someone chasing us down!!!
Today our friend Val stopped over. Cathy sat down at the table with us for a while. It was nice to have company! We also ran into Kerry, a friend of Brad's since high school, at the grocery store. He came over and said "Hi" to her. As we were driving home she was all Smiles! She just kept saying, "Kerry, Brad, said Hi!"
Tonight was Chase's Christmas concert at school. About 10 minutes before it was time to go she came out in her Pajamas! Uh Oh... (All I could think of is... Brad is out of town, this always happens when he is gone!) I asked her to please get dressed so we could go to Chase's concert. She just looked at me & shrugged her shoulders. Chase walked over & gave her a hug and said, "Grandma, don't you want to come see me sing?" (He is such an AMAZING kid!!) She smiled & went and got dressed. PHEW! Crisis diverted.
Luckily when we are in public she doesn't chant/talk as loudly. As we sat at the concert she kept saying the same things: Actually, on fire. Everafter, on fire. Get a life, on fire. She says these things ALL DAY LONG at home OVER & OVER. It is getting much worse now that she can't communicate. She chants more... every once in a while you get a short sentence or new word, but it is less & less each day. However, she will repeat what you say. So, hopefully, everyone around us didn't notice much. I know I shouldn't be ashamed or embarrassed. But it is hard when you can't explain her behavior to others. You just want to say, "Please, she is sick, this isn't the real her, she would be so sad to know how she is acting, please be understanding!"
Medical Decision: After lots of thought... lots of talking... & some online research... Toby & I both are swaying towards the quick & easier option of helping her. We just feel like if we choose surgery so many things could go wrong... she could be confused more, scared, hurting & we don't know where or why since she can't communicate, recovery could take longer, infection risks, etc. And we also don't know how much time Cathy has left with us... as fast as things are changing she could very likely be bedridden or in a nursing home in a few months. (I hate the thought of that!) Do we really want to make one of her last months possibly painful?? UFFDA!
Toby is planning on talking to Brad & Ryan before he makes his Decision. We have both talked to Gayle already. We all feel the same way... we don't know if there is a right answer. We just all have to agree to make the best choice with the facts we have... & mostly agree that whatever decision we make we don't go back on it later. We can't let this pull us apart as a family!
Tonight after the kids bath's I went to get Mia's PJ's... I opened her underwear drawer & it was empty...!... Oh, yeah... backpack! I opened her backpack & inside was all of her underwear & 2 pairs of PJ's. I had forgotten to empty it... oops.
Does anyone need Christmas cookies?? I have to stop eating them! Since I am home with Cathy I am snacking, snacking, & snacking some more! Comfort Food...
1 comment:
Beth, Cathy and I used to do the waving thing all the time at people we didn't know. We would just laugh and laugh because we just knew those people were probably trying to remember who the hell we were. We used to do all kinds of crazy things like that.
Beth be sure to reming Brad just how lucky a man he is to have a woman like you. I do wish I was closer so I could give you a break.
Love Aunt Lisa
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